Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hillman State Park, Kramer Road

Another beautiful fall afternoon for spending in the forest.  Last Sunday was warmer and sunnier, but there were fewer people on the trails today, which I liked.  Or it could be that I chose a less popular route.  I didn't encounter another soul until I crossed into the strange little airport for model planes.

To reach this part of Hillman State Park, you follow Kramer Road over the covered Lyle Bridge (photo 1). The road reaches some nice heights, nearing the airport.  There's a kind of vista through the trees (photo 2). The beech trees are still a brilliant golden hue, with copper tones toward the outer edges (photo 3) The fourth photo looks strangely like a painting to me...

I'm really loving Hillman State Park these days.  It's divided into four main segments, and I'm in that strange part of my relationship with the park where it's all still exciting and mysterious, but I'm beginning to grasp the lay of the land.  Connections are coming together.  "Ah, so this is where that road comes out.  Hmm, so this is the same stream I saw two weeks ago in a different zone..." I'm starting to see how much smaller the park is than it seems at first, and how much less confusing.  In one way, it's disappointing because when this terrain is no longer virgin territory to me, it's less exhilarating. In another way, this is a very gratifying point where a sense of ownership and accomplishment develops.

My hiking life here in the Pittsburgh area can't be the promiscuous thing it was up North.  I can't explore new terrain each time I go out.  I need to have a more or less committed relationship with the several good hiking spots that are within my reach, more like a marriage... I guess I'm settling down.

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