Sunday, December 18, 2011

Le Soleil d'Hiver

The Montour Trail is a last resort for me.  It's typically too crowded.  But if you pick a chilly gray December day, with the slightest dusting of snow on the ground, you probably won't run into anyone.  Besides, the stretch from US-22 northward to Imperial is---though postindustrial---somehow a good way.  If not for a hint of seedy Appalachian neglect, the little settlements along the trail would have a toy-like quality, reminiscent of the miniature Christmas villages of a toy train set.


  1. It is always such a joy returning to this blog. Its never a disappointment as you seem to always wind up somewhere intriguing in every post. If you and I were taking a cup of kindness for Auld Lang Syne, I would toast that you never run out of interesting places to wander. Have a happy new year.

  2. Happy New Year, John. I'll lift my glass to interesting places to wander! You do realize you're the only "follower" this blog has?

  3. No, I did not know that. I only really follow two blogs. I should tell you that I treat Snow and Jaggers with the same reverence I usually assign a good book. Its something to read when its quiet with a good cup of coffee and plenty of time to get lost. Given those parameters, I'm not here often, but when I am, I'm here in earnest.
