Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Ragged Edge

Here we stand at the edge of a whole new year. The ragged edge, you might call it. It seems unfair that each year begins and ends in bitter cold, in a season of dormancy and death. There are things to celebrate and anticipate in the year ahead. But I can't help but focus on the things all intelligent people dread: most notably the right wing wacko takeover of our state government. And so, this scene of desolation is for all fearmongering conservatives and for all the fool Pennsylvanians who voted them in. I would never wish a pox like unto the above on anyone's houses...but you did it to yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. The owner tore down the house in the top photo - late in 2013 - at the request of the township. Allegheny County wanted to purchase the property which is between Greer Rd and Baldwin Rd to extend a future trail that will terminate at the end of Greer Rd where it meets Pinkerton Run Rd. but the county offer was far below market value and he decided not to sell..
