Saturday, March 23, 2024

Baker Rocks, Garland, Pennsylvania


I thought Baker Rocks would be a quick and easy peak-bag.  It seemed like a clear path on my maps, and though there was almost nothing about the place online, how can you miss big rocks?  I went out Friday in the late afternoon, thinking I would find them with no problem.  I left the car at the parking area in State Game Land 143 at about 5:15 pm.  I followed what I supposed to be the trail—straight up the side of the mountain, but daylight was fading, and I had to call off the search.

The rocks are advertised on this sign as you enter the game lands, so they must be worth seeing, right?  

Then again on Saturday afternoon I set off to find Baker Rocks, ascending the mountainside from a different route.  This time I bushwhacked up a very steep face that looks east.  This was a real climb, grabbing from tree to tree to keep from slipping backward and downhill.  But it’s a good thing there was a bit of snow on the mountain, for on the return trip, I had to follow my own footsteps back down to the car.  This was a much more pleasant day in the woods, but still no Baker Rocks.

There’s supposed to be a broad vista out over the valley below as well as some caves and boulder fields.  I’ll have to come back.  I’m pretty sure I know where I went wrong the last two times. 

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