Tuesday, September 22, 2020
The Clarion River
A Place Called Brookston
Friday, September 18, 2020
Stony Point Revisited
This is the little-known overlook at a place called Stony Point, in the Allegheny National Forest. It's not a spectacular view, but it is a pleasant one. On our two-family camping trip over Labor Day weekend, I thought this would make a pleasant destination for a two dads and five children. (The mothers stayed back a the campsite to talk and snack.) Our friends are mixed-race. When they got to the campsite in the ANF, they expressed a little shock and fear at all the Trump signs and Confederate flags they had seen driving up to this part of the world. Me? In my white privilege, I just look at the flags and signs and roll my eyes. "Idiots. Fools. Unlettered haters." But my black friends see such things and think, "What if our car breaks down here? What if we need help out here among people who are flying flags that say, 'We hate you'?"