Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wingfield Pines and Chartiers Creek

Wingfield Pines is a park, of sorts, that belongs to the Allegheny County Land Trust.
Even though it's nearby, I hadn't gone there in years.  I didn't like the way people let their dogs run wild there.  But I had an hour or so to hike in the bright, cool autumn air before the gun stores opened, so I went back to this place.
The lovely Chartiers Creek runs right through it.  Did I mention that I stopped coming here because I don't like having to deal with strangers' dogs?  Suburbanites and their dogs!
Much to my surprise, there were no more dogs!  Happily, dogs are no longer allowed here because it's designated now as a nature preserve.  A big sign at the gate reads, "No Pets."  I was so happy.  I mean you can't have their precious dogs chasing after the wild ducks, can you?  There were many handsome birds here, most of which I could not identify.
You might be wondering why I went to a gun store.  I wanted to make sure my grandfather's old 12-gauge was still operational, so I thought I'd have a professional take a look at it.  What a weird experience that was!  I was not at all surprised to find that the kind of people who hang out at gun stores also do not wear masks during a pandemic....

1 comment:

  1. Was there earlier in the week. Miyako collects pokemon for grandson Amateru at the USC playgrounds across the street
